ケルン Cologne 哥羅尼 角字で世界の都市名・地域名、漢字表記

Kakuji Design for City Names, local names in Kanji.
Kanji code used for each country is written inside the bracket.
ヨーロッパ諸国 Europe 欧羅巴 (欧_0x6B27/羅_0x7F85/巴_0x5DF4)
国名:ドイツ ドイツ連邦共和国
都市名・地域名:ケルン Cologne
漢字表記:哥羅尼 [哥_0x54E5][羅_0x7F85][尼_0x5C3C]
市街地はライン川の両岸にまたがる。市内にはケルン大聖堂 (ドーム) があり、カトリック教会のケルン大司教の拠点がある。同市にあるケルン大学は、欧州でも最古で最大の大学の1つである。
What is Kakuji?
There is a style of penmanship called “Kakuji” in Japan. Edo-born Kakuji is a graphicart that expresses letters (kanji) with almost horizontal and vertical lines only.
The design which bases on many straight lines seems simple, or too plain even at its first glance; yet this beautiful artistic penmanship that encompasses the aesthetic of the Japanese in the Edo era, also known as “Iki”, and playfulness has long been inherited to this day, thanks to the masteries’ long years of efforts in training and refinement.
Kakuji with its simplicity and depth is used for designs such as trademark, hanko stamp, family crest and signboard.