角字とは? -遊び心満載の伝統的な和のグラフィックアート- What is Kakuji? -Traditional Japanese Graphic Art with Playful Spirit-

What is Kakuji? -Traditional Japanese Graphic Art with Playful Spirit-
There is a style of penmanship called “Kakuji” in Japan. Edo-born Kakuji is a graphicart that expresses letters (kanji) with almost horizontal and vertical lines only. The design which bases on many straight lines seems simple, or too plain even at its first glance; yet this beautiful artistic penmanship that encompasses the aesthetic of the Japanese in the Edo era, also known as “Iki”, and playfulness has long been inherited to this day, thanks to the masteries’ long years of efforts in training and refinement.
“Kakuji” – Traditional and yet Modern
There is a style of penmanship called “Kakuji” in Japan.
It is a form of expression unique to the Japanese aesthetic where it attempts to express
within certain restrictions such as limited space or size. This aesthetic native to Japan
has produced the arts and craft starting from bonsai, ikebana (flower arrangement), netsuke (Japanese ornament), to even how to prepare dishes.
Edo-born Kakuji is a graphic art that expresses letters (kanji) with almost horizontal and vertical lines only.
The graphic design which encapsulates any letter in a limited space like square tells the
Japanese aesthetic towards minimalism explained above.
The design which bases on many straight lines seems simple, or too plain even at its first glance; yet this beautiful artistic penmanship that encompasses the aesthetic of the Japanese in the Edo era, also known as “Iki”, and playfulness has long been inherited to this day, thanks to the masteries’ long years of efforts in training and refinement.
“Kakuji” with its simplicity and depth has attracted many Japanese people and used on happi which is worn at matsuri festivals and a type of kimono called shirubanten (livery coat), as well as for other designs such as trademark, hanko stamp, family crest and signboard.
These symbols identify the person’s name, affiliation or family line and its critical role implies that “Kakuji” has been considered as an important part of the culture.
We, too, are part of those who have been struck by its traditional and yet stylish, timeless modern beauty and depth of “Kakuji”.
Creation of New “Kakuji”
We studied the existing “Kakuji” in hopes to utilize the design of “Kakuji” for modern art
and designs.
As a result, we found out that there are letters that do not exist as “Kakuji”. As written
above, “Kakuji” has been used for trademark, hanko stamp, family crest and signboard
but letters that had not been used in such occasions do not exist.
We decided to do a research on already-existing “Kakuji” and create new letters.
“Kakuji” has its own guidebook for design formatting. It is an old literature from the Edo
era but it was very systematic and useful for our purposes.
We pursue to establish a method for designing “Kakuji” by analyzing the structure of “Kakuji” based on these useful books.
“Kakuji” is a form of penmanship that compose letters with only horizontal and vertical lines in a square.
You’d think that it sounds easy to create but it actually creates many difficulties to formulate kanji which is composed of various combinations of radical into straight lines in a square form.
For example, numbers of grid lines for perfect balance differ among symmetrical kanji, asymmetrical kanji and kanji with and without the center line.
Moreover, when a kanji has lesser number of strokes, you need to think about how to fill
in the gap.
There were many instances where I had to start over even when I’d managed to create
a “Kakuji” despite difficulties, because the appeal of the outcome is a different problem
to solve.
After turns and twists and trial and error, I have established a method to create “Kakuji” where patterned parts for each radical of kanji are stored and used.
For instance, when making a Kakuji for a kanji with a radical called “kusa kanmuri”, I
first choose the part fit for the number of strokes from multiple “kusa kanmuri” with different number of grids and design; then I move on to combine it with other radicals, and if it does not balance well or go well in terms of appearance, I replace it with a different “kusa kanmuri”. After repeating this process of assembling, I come up with the most optimal solution for the kanji.
One of the advantages in the method is the simplification of designing process.
Next advantage is the diversification of design deriving from modifying and creating
parts which leads to re-registering and re-using them.
Take a look at the gallery of our “Kakuji” creations.
Database of “Kakuji” Parts
We are now in the process of making database of Kakuji parts we have created so far.
We hope that by combining radicals and sets in our database, people will be able to use
them as an indicator and template for designing their Kakuji of choice.
We plan to have a system in the future where our users get to register parts that they created in our database so that it will expand and share forms of expression.
For Those Who Are Interesred in “Kakuji”
For those of you who are interested in “Kakuji”, please take a look at our gallery and try
making one for yourself if you’re into it.
You don’t need an expensive graphic art software for designing “Kakuji”. In terms of color
scheme, there are only background color and letter color, and you can design one by using
the default drawing software on your device as long as you can place a dot and draw straight lines.
Though “Kakuji” has been used for as trademark, hanko stamp, family crest and signboard, you don’t need to limit its purposes. With your own idea, you can turn it into
anything – into a illustration, graphic design or merchandise.
It might be a good idea to use “Kakuji” for your name, family’s name or even logo of your team.
Some of you might know that it was believed from the ancient times that letters have magical power.
The customary in which one engraves lucky letters and shapes on their belongings for
bringing happiness and expelling misfortune has long been practiced both in the East and the West.
The basis of “Kakuji”, kanji, originated from China and was used in Shinto rituals, fortune telling and talisman.
Maybe having letters that signify good luck and hapiness in “Kakuji” for economic fortune or good match, or amulet and expelling misfortune may bring you mysterious power.
Please give Kakuji” a try if you are interested.