Kakuji Design for Country Names in Kanji.
Kanji code used for each country is written inside the bracket.
アジア諸国 Asia 亜細亜 (亜_0x4E9C/細_0x7D30/亜_0x4E9C)
国名:ブルネイ Brunei Darussalam
漢字:文莱 (文_0x6587/莱_0x83B1)
Kakuji Design for Country Names in Kanji.
Kanji code used for each country is written inside the bracket.
アジア諸国 Asia 亜細亜 (亜_0x4E9C/細_0x7D30/亜_0x4E9C)
国名:ブータン Bhutan
漢字:不丹 (不_0x4E0D/丹_0x4E39)
Kakuji Design for Country Names in Kanji.
Kanji code used for each country is written inside the bracket.
アジア諸国 Asia 亜細亜 (亜_0x4E9C/細_0x7D30/亜_0x4E9C)
国名:バングラデシュ Bangladesh
漢字:孟加拉国 (孟_0x5B5F/加_0x52A0/拉_0x62C9/国_0x56FD)
There is a style of penmanship called “Kakuji” in Japan. Edo-born Kakuji is a graphicart that expresses letters (kanji) with almost horizontal and vertical lines only.
The design which bases on many straight lines seems simple, or too plain even at its first glance; yet this beautiful artistic penmanship that encompasses the aesthetic of the Japanese in the Edo era, also known as “Iki”, and playfulness has long been inherited to this day, thanks to the masteries’ long years of efforts in training and refinement.
Kakuji with its simplicity and depth is used for designs such as trademark, hanko stamp, family crest and signboard.
There is a style of penmanship called “Kakuji” in Japan. Edo-born Kakuji is a graphicart that expresses letters (kanji) with almost horizontal and vertical lines only. The design which bases on many straight lines seems simple, or too plain even at its first glance; yet this beautiful artistic penmanship that encompasses the aesthetic of the Japanese in the Edo era, also known as “Iki”, and playfulness has long been inherited to this day, thanks to the masteries’ long years of efforts in training and refinement.